Kennebec Potato Chip Tin
- Description
The Kennebec Potato Chip is the crispiest, yummiest chip in the land. Why? Our chips are made with Washington State Kennebec potatoes. This low moisture potato makes for crispy crispy chips. Our small batch hand-made process makes them absolutely delicious.
We believe that magic can be made with only three key ingredients, and these chips prove it. We will all a fourth: Our skull tin. These crispy Kennebec treats are tasty, but the skull tin elevates them to bad-ass.
Long a symbol of fearlessness, the skull and rose tattoo on our tin is an American Traditional Tattoo symbol. For sailors, they were a commitment to adventure and fearlessness. Have no fear, these chips are tasty.
Ingredients: Kennebec Potatoes, Canola Oil, Salt